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Geschiedenis - - SAMENVATTINGEN
[History] The National Anthem
[History] The Flag of Suriname
[Maroon] Matrilineal Kinship
[Language] Surinamese-Javanese Spelling
[Mil. History] Looking Back ...WWII (part 1)
[Mil. History] Looking Back ...WWII (part 2)
[History] Anton de Kom
[Arts] The Period After 1863
[Culture, Javanese] Jaran Kepang Performance (part 1)
[History] Johannes King
[Arts] The Dance of the Slaves in Paintings
[Arts, Sculptor] Hendrik Kartokario
[History] What is in a Name
[History] Taxes
[History] Hindus in Suriname
[Mil. History] Who Was Boston van Tampatij ?
[History] Manumissies
[History] Free African-Surinamese
[Mil. History] Guerrilla Tactics
[Folklore] Ghost Stories
[Mil. History] Counter Guerrilla Tactics
[Literature] Oroonoko
[Folkstales, History] A 'Princess' Cora
[History, Current Events] Suriname in Sumatra
[Customs, Traditons] A Saramacca Funeral
[History] The Dutch Colonial (1-3) by A.J. Heideman
[History ] The Dutch Colonial (4--14)by: A.J.Heideman
[History] Governors of Suriname
[History] The Ndjuka (Aukaners) Peace Treaty (1760)
[Literature] Stedman and Joanna
[History] The Matawai Clan/Tribe
[Religion,History] Missionary Work of Hernhutters
[History] Marienburg
[Religion,History] The Life of Johannes King
[Report,History] van Vleuten - Javanese Contract Workers
[Literature,History] Twice Marienburg
[History] Chinese Names
[History] Chinese Contract Workers [1853-1874]
[History] Chinese Printed Media in Suriname
[History] Chinese Dialects in Suriname
[History] The Goslar Story
[History] British Indians Contract Workers
[Toponomy] Meaning of Geographical Names
[Literature] Elisabeth Samson
[History] The Kwinti Tribe 1743-1763
[Ode] Asta Elstak een vrouw uit duizenden.
[History] All About Names
[Animal life]The Manatee (zee koe)
[History] Awards & Decorations
[History] Origins of Property Rights Among Slaves
[History] Revolt of the Redimusu (part 1)
[State] Suriname, 03/98
[Mil.Hist.] The Revolt of the Black Rangers
[History] Sibylla Merian
[Mil. History] 'Korps Zwarte Jagers'- Black Rangers
[History] Aviation
[History] American Visitors
[History] SLM Some Aviation History
[History] The British Rulers vs Revolted Rangers
[Forestry] The Tropical Rain Forest
[Gold] Gross-Rosebel
[Book] Welkom El Dorado
[Historical] Border Disputes
[Languages] in Surinam
[Arts] John Greenwood (American Painter, 1727-1792)
The Life of Maria Sibylla Merian
[Architecture, Tourism] Historical Corner House & Dixie Bar
[Food] Surinamese Food
[HISTORY] Charles Lindberg
[Heritage] The Boeroe's (Farmers)
[Genealogy] Peerke Donders
[History] The corner house
[History, Tourism] Jodensavanne
[Arts] John Greenwood (American Painter, 1727-1792)
[Heritage] The Amerindians
[Heritage] The Creoles
[History, Heritage] The Chinese
[Nature] Jungle Life (1899-1901)
[Mining] SURALCO Bauxite Industry
[History] WWII: The Yanks in Suriname
[Mil. History] WWII Units of US Army Stationed in Suriname
[History, WWII, Korea] Veterans
[History, Heritage] The Lebanese-Syrians
[History, Heritage] The Javanese
[History, Heritage] The Jewish Immigrants
[History, Heraldry] The Coat of Arms of Suriname
[History] Immigration to Suriname
[History, Tourism] Jodensavanne
[History, Tourism] The Powder House at Fort New Amsterdam
[Agriculture, History] About Sugar
[Collectibles] Antique Bottles
[History, Genealogy, Heritage] The French
[History, Tourism] Fort Zeelandia
[Book] Saramaccaners & Aucaners
[Mil.History] The Military Cordon 1778
[History] Census 1694-1956...some kind of
[AmerIndians] Kappler, Caribs, Arawaks in 1836
[Myth] Bonni Doro
[History] Shades of Color (17-18th century definitions)
[History] Agosu - Son of Boni
[Life] Saramaccaners & Aucaners
[Mil.History] The Military Cordon 1778
[Architecture] The Synagogues
[Heritage] The Old and The Young Javanese
[Heritage] The Mosque
[History, Heritage] Islam
[Misc, History] Bits and Pieces
[Military History] The Garrison Army
[History, Tourism] Locomotives In The Jungle
[Maroon] Matrilineal Kinship
[Language] Surinamese-Javanese Spelling
[Arts] The Period After 1863
[History] The National Anthem
[History] Census 1694-1956...some kind of
[History] Johannes King
[Arts] The Dance of the Slaves in Paintings
[History] Free African-Surinamese
[Folklore] Ghost Stories
[Mil. History] Counter Guerrilla Tactics (part 2)
[History, Tourism] What is in a Name
[GovGen, History] J.F.de Friderici 1790-1802
[Literature] Elisabeth Samson
[History] The Ndjuka (Aukaners) Peace Treaty (1760)
[GovGen] Jan Nepveu 1768-1779
[History] Health Care
[History, Tourism] French Guiana- Iles du Salut
[History] 'French' Escapees 1879-WWII
[Mil. History] The Dutch Army for Suriname (1795-1868)
[Mil.History] TRIS 1868-1975 (part 1)
[History] Dutch Development Aid
[History, Agriculture, Tourism] The Plantation
[History, Agriculture] The Plantation, A Book for Dummies
[History, Collectibles] Furniture
[History,Agriculture] Life on the Plantation (part 1)
[History,Agriculture] Life on the Plantation -1836-1842-(part 2)
[Report] OAS (part 1)
[Report] OAS
[Culture] Javanese Cuisine (part1)
[Arts] Soekidjan Irodikromo
[History,Tourism,FG] St. Laurent du Maroni
[History-Present] The Maroons
[Art] Maroon Art
[Mil History] Siege of Boucou
[Mil. History] Armed Struggle Across The River
[Mil. History] Campaigns Against The Rebels [1773-1777]
[Folklore] Spider Tales
[Folklore] Graman Quacy [1770]
[Religion] Islam and the Javanese
[Arts, Sculptor] Hendrik Kartokario
[Mil. History] Gado Saby Is Taken (1775)
[Customs, Traditions] Personal Adornment
[Arts] Pierre Jacques Benoit - Painter (1782-1854)
[Mil. History] WWII in Pictures
[History] Life in Paramaribo
[History] Governor-General Series
[Geology] Diamond Exploration
[Geography] The Sipaliwini Savanna
[History] What is in a Name
[History] Taxes
[Geography] Coeroeni, Corantijn Rivers and Sisa Creek
[Musical Instruments] The Amerindians
[Geology] The Lawa Gold Deposit (feasibility study)
[Archeology] The Amerindians
[Geology] Central Part of the Bakhuis Mountains (W Suriname)
[1883] International Colonial and Trade Exhibition
[Nature] Tjali Oede Gwamba
[Book] Dad Pedrick's Jungle Gold
[Life] Hindus in Suriname
[Mil. History] Who Was Boston van Tampatij ?
[History] Governor-General Series Update (part 3)
[Mil.History] The Buku Campaigns (part 1)
[Mil. History] The Buku Campaigns (part 2)
[Mil. History] The Buku Campaigns (part 3)
[Mil. History] The Buku Campaigns (part 4)
[Mining] Gold
[Javanese] The Contract
[Javanese] Some facts
[History] Manumissies
[History] Free African-Surinamese
[Culture] Javanese Cuisine (part 2)
[Javanese] To Become or Not to Become (part 1)
[Javanese] To Become or not to Become (part 2)
[History, Folklore] Boni - Leader, Warrior and Negotiator
[Mil. History] Guerrilla Tactics
[Folklore] Ghost Stories
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Ontwerp © Webteam Suriname - Afdeling Suriname - Zwartenhovenbrugstraat - Paramaribo - Last update:
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