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Book source: Het Kamp van Broos en Kaliko, Wim Hoogbergen,Prometheus, Amsterdam, 1996. ISBN 90-5333-448-3 The Boni Maroon Wars in Suriname, Wim Hoogbergen, E.J. Brill, Leiden, 1990. ISBN 90 04 09303 6

Subject:[Mil. History] Counter Guerrilla Tactics (part 2)


The Dutch military tried to force the Maroons in a face to face confrontation because the Dutch had superior firepower.
The treaty with the Aukaners required the Aukaners to stop, arrest and turn over runaway slaves to the colonial authorities.

In addition the Redimusu (black rangers) and (Amer)Indians were used to fight the guerrillas for a reward. The right hand of a dead guerrilla was chopped off and turned in for the reward money.

Soldiers who participated in a patrol received a reward (bonus) of nfl 40 for a dead or captured guerrilla. Captured guerrillas were interogated and often used as guides for the next patrol to search and destroy the Maroon villages. The conduct of counter guerrilla operations was also subject to political decision making which often led to confusion within the military.

Example was GovGen Julius C. Rijk, who wanted to capture and not kill guerrillas.
GovGen van Lansberge sent a patrol to chase Maroons with rifles but without bullets.

The military used spies for example an Indian who witnessed a raid on a plantation would report to the military what, who and when he saw it and would often guide the military to the spot where he witnessed it.

When slavery was abolished in 1863, the mood of the guerrilla leaders was such that they were tired from fighting wars. "I will fight no more" became also the desire of the colonial foot soldiers.

Met dank aan Albert Buys

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