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 SURINAME  surinameAFDELINGEN - suriname Geschiedenis - - SAMENVATTINGEN

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Book source: Geschiedkundige Aanteekeningen over Suriname en Paramaribo, Fred Oudschans Dentz, De West, 1972

Subject: [History, Tourism] What is in a Name
City of Paramaribo: Indians called it Parimorbo or Paramorbo meaning...'place of flowers' Country Serinhame

Streets: 'Knuffelsgracht' Named for the German emigrant family Knoffel. In 1750, Theodorus Knoffel was a sugar inspector and plantation owner of the plantation 'Belgrade'. A Johann Friedrich Knoffel donated 200 'akkers' to the Lutheran church to set up a coffee plantation in the lower Commewijne area. The Lutheran church went into debt for going into the plantation business. The name Knoffel is engraved in the Luthern church organ.

'Tourtonnelaan" Named for the plantation Tourtonne. Jean Andre Tourton , a French refugee, was in 1749 a member of the court of Police. He died in 1759 on his plantation.

'Combe' Named for a plantation and belonging to Nicolaas Combe. He was a French refugee. He was also a customs officer for the colonial government who inspected and boarded ships.

'Poelepantje' When people had to cross the Dominee Creek to reach the other side they took off (pulled) their 'paantje' or clothing so their clothing did not get wet.

'Spanhoek' The west corner of the so called 'Brandplein'. On this corner 5 streets come together: Heiligenweg, Dominestraat, Keizerstraat(2), Klipsteenenstraat. The square was created after the fire of 1821 and called 'Vaillantsplein'.

'Zwartenhovenbrugstraat' The court of civil justice was called the 'black court' because members of the court were dressed in black robes. The court of criminal justice was called the 'red court'. As they were dressed in red. Both courts were merged in 1829. The bridge leading to the court building was the Zwartenhovenbrug.

'Gravenstraat' Partly named 'soldier street' got its name because of cemeteries being located along this street.

'Gemeenelandsweg' This road leads to a parcel of land called 'Boniface' which is located on the Pad van Wanica. Boniface was a home for elderly, handicapped and prison slaves. It was founded in 1753.

'Drambrandersgracht' Named when there was plenty sugar production and dram was made from sugar.

'Wagenwegstraat' A coach repair shop was located on this street.

'Malibatrumstraat' Named for a plant malibatrum which originaly came fro Malabar. The leaves smell like clves. In 1738 a plantation existed named Malibatrum which owner was Jan Wreesman.

'Pad van Wanica' This road was cut open in 1767 during Crommelin. In addition a canal was dug. Parcels of land along the canal were made available to the publc. The road was extended from Boniface to the 'Weg van Kwatta'.

Met dank aan Albert Buys

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