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Book source: I Sought My Brother, S.A. Counter and D.L. Evans, The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1981. ISBN: 0-262-03079-9

Subject: [Myth] Bonni Doro


In 1790 Bonni entered in a dispute with the neighboring Ndjukas and a fight started. Bonni was killed. The Bonni tribe claims that the Ndjukas did not kill Bonni. The Ndjukas say otherwise. According to a local legend the Ndjukas cut off Bonni's head and were traveling down the Maroni River with the head for a secret burial. But when they reached the 'soela' rapids the head fell out the canoe and disappeared in the river. The Ndjukas failed to find Bonnis head. The place on the Maroni River where this took place is called Bonni Doro, and when passing it you should not utter the name of 'Bonni'. To do so will summon the bad spirits on you. ------

Met dank aan Albert Buys

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