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 SURINAME  surinameAFDELINGEN - suriname Geschiedenis - - SAMENVATTINGEN

 suriname . NU terug

Book source: Suriname, Land of Seven Peoples, Prof. Dr. F.E.M. Mitrasing, H. vd Boomen, Paramaribo, 1979

Subject: [Heritage] The Amerindians


An estimated 10000 Amerindians live in their small communities in Suriname. Only a few have had elementary education and reached the middle class of society. Typical occupations have been civil servant, policeman, teacher, nurse, supervisor etc. They are not engaged in trade. It is estimated that 90% are intellectually unskilled [based on the author's study]. They live far away from modern civilization and thus their political, cultural and artistical influence is minimal. They continue to live a primitive life style and are considered the underdogs.

The tribe of Caribs is the most mobile and a migrating tribe. The name Paramaribo and others ending on 'bo' have Amerindian origins. The Trios live near the southern border of Suriname. The Akurios are a nomadic tribe who were discovered by American missionaries in the Upper-Tapahoney river region. The Amerindian woman is subordinate to the man. She is her husband's housekeeper and the bearer of many children.

As to the present not much is known about the Amerindians as they often move deeper into the jungle as the civilzed world creeps up on their territory.

Met dank aan Albert Buys

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